The vision of thePorch is: "for Christ to change and keep changing lives through a church that is appealing to the people of today as we gather for public praise & preaching, grow closer to God & our church family, give back to our community & church, and boldly go into the world inviting others to follow Jesus!" All you need to remember is seeing lives change!!! We want to help people choose to follow and continue following other words: make disciples!
Col 1:6 6 - This same Good News that came to you is going out all over the world. It is bearing fruit everywhere by changing lives, just as it changed your lives from the day you first heard and understood the truth about God’s wonderful grace.
Discipleship Process
Our goal is seeing lives change! In order to change and keep changing lives with the Gospel, we will have 4 simple steps.
Gather, Grow, Give Back, & Go!, Grow, Check out this sermon series about it!
This is the process to help people move from a non-believer to a fully devoted Christian using the church in Acts 2:1-47 as an example. Each stage is designed to move a person to the next level of maturity and life change.
1. Gather - You are empowered by public praise & preaching
This is the stage that anyone comes to the worship service. In the Sunday morning worship service, the people will have the opportunity to connect with God and with the other people in the service. We come together to be instructed in the Word of God, fellowship (most of which is done in step 2), worship and serve! Children will also be able to connect to God and others during worship services geared toward them. The youth will have a special weeknight service. People can come to the worship service by hearing about the church or being invited. You can move to the next stage by signing up for a Growth Group on the connection card, at the Growth Group booth or online. You could be invited by a friend or just influenced by the preaching to join a Growth Group. For more info click here.
Matt 4:10, Psalms 34:3, Colossians 1:28, Gen 2:18, John 17:21
2. Grow - You are transformed by training & togetherness
This is the stage that a believer or non-believer can meet new people, start relationships and enjoy fellowship. We will not only study and grow, but we will do it together in a small Growth Group. partners and non-partners can join Growth Groups. Youth will have their own Growth Groups that meet on the same night as their weekday services. Children will have their Growth Group time on Sunday mornings. Each Growth Group will also play together and serve the community together once a semester. This will encourage people, along with the preaching, to join the church. You can move to the next stage by attending a partnership class to join the church. You can sign up for this on the connection card, at the welcome booth or online. For more info click here.
This is the stage the believer will join the church and start serving in the ministry they are passionate about and gifted in. Partners will be responsible to serve during the worship service (in alternating shifts) and are encouraged to lead a Growth Group. You will get to the next stage by taking ownership of the church as you are serving and developing the skills and desire to share your faith with others. For more info click here.Previous sermons are available at
John 12:26, Matt. 20:28, John 13:14, John 13:34, Rom 6:13, Rom 14:18
4. Go - You are made for a mission
This is the final stage and also the mindset of all of the partners. Sharing the Gospel will be considered a lifestyle rather than a step in the process.Once the believer is connected, growing and serving, they will be excited to share with others. This will also include the evangelism team, which will be a Growth Group and any mission work that is to be done or supported. Evangelism will be preached on and encouraged during the Sunday morning service and in small groups. People will be encouraged to invite other people to start the process of life change.
Each Growth Group will share together through Transfer once a semester. The goal of transfer is to go door-to-door, invite people to church and tell them about Jesus if they are interested. For more info click here.
Matt 28:19-20, Mark 16:15, Luke 24:47-49, John 20:21, Acts 1:8