WELCOME!We are overjoyed you found your way to The Porch! Whether this is your first visit or seventeenth, this is a place you can call home. If you clicked on this page, odds are you're looking for what comes next! The best place to start is by filling out our Next Steps form below. You can also learn more by visiting the Next Steps Center located in the back of the sanctuary.
NEXT STEPS CLASSThis class is available three times a year for anyone who is ready to plug into The Porch! You'll learn what we believe, how we do ministry and how you can be a part of the exciting things God is doing! Find out how to join a growth group, start volunteering, or officially become a porchPartner.
BAPTISMAre you interested in baptism? We believe baptism is an important step of obedience for every person who has accepted Christ as their Savior. We consider it a privilege to walk with you as you take this next step on your spiritual journey.
GROWTH GROUPSIt’s easy to feel alone in the crowd. We believe the best way to become more like Jesus is through authentic relationships with each other. Growth Groups are where over 50% of church happens!
PORCH PARTNERSHIPBecoming a partner is not becoming a member. The church is not a club to join. Instead, you are partnering with us in ministry. To partner is to join the team, team Porch! You are committing to make The Porch your home church. You then take an active role in the kingdom of God to help us reach our goal:
Seeing Lives Change! |