porchKIDS Sunday mornings at 10:00 & Wednesday nights at 6:30.
Located down the stairs, porchKIDS is for children ages K - 4th grade. Sign the kiddos up for their proper class, and pick them up after the service. Children's classes are a time for fun, creativity, worship, and learning the Bible. Orange is a comprehensive, easy-to-use curriculum designed for children in grades K-4 and takes your children on a fun journey of Biblical learning. They always walk away with one simple truth, so don't forget to ask what they learned!
Our goal is to come alongside parents to disciple the kids of The Porch together. You can help at home by guiding your kids through our take-home questions, working on memory verses, joining our Facebook group, and signing up to volunteer.
Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:00 at The Porch! We also offer a mid-week group that meets August through May, every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. GROW curriculum is the most practical, innovative, fun, and well-made resource on planet earth. With high energy games, fun activities, hilarious video-based lessons, and memory verses, your kids will learn foundational Biblical truths for every day life.