This is where the conversation starts, but finish it in a Growth Group! Just click on the logo for videos, download the bulletin outline here & SHARE if you find the message helpful!
What if becoming the person you want to be starts long before the moment you make a decision? Can the decisions you make today help you live the life you really want tomorrow? Let's learn together in our new message series, Pre-Decide.
What makes a church a church? What’s the purpose of our church? Join us as we zoom in to take a close look at what makes up the building blocks a strong church, in DNA
Even if you don’t get a Red Ryder BB gun for Christmas, you’ll still be able to take home some spiritual principles from Ralphie and the gang in our new series based on the classic: A Christmas Story!
Let’s face it….there are some big words in the world of theology…especially when it comes to describing God. This series will look at some of confusing words found in Christianity and help Translate them to teach who God is and how we can be more like Him!
What are your top questions about SEX? We do our best to answer YOUR questions!
Have you ever noticed how kid's Bible are full of action? That's because they only include the Best of the Bible! Join us as we relive some life lessons we learned at kids and need reminded of as adults!
Some of the most well-known verses don’t mean what you think they mean. During this series we’ll do our best to find the real meaning of these verses that have been taken…Straight Outta Context!
What are some things that you’ve learned from your mom and dad? We’ll take a look back at some of the wisdom we’ve learned from our parents and try to apply their spiritual advice as adults!
ZOMBIE ATTACK?! Did you know that God is in the business of making dead things come to life? This Easter, we’ll kick off a 3 week series that will show you God’s power to give life to a dead Savior, your dead faith, and every dead area in our life! It’s time to move from death to life in THE WALKING DEAD!
When is the last time you made a disciple? It’s easy to forget what the mission of the church is! Sometimes we need reminded how to practically engage in missions at home in our neighborhoods, and around the world! Living life on mission: both close AND far!
When you really dig into the Bible, there are some strange, odd, and just plain bizarre stories. We’ll discuss the stories you’ve probably never heard and what to do with them! Hold on tight cuz things are about to get weird!
Should Christians celebrate Valentine’s day? Do you want to spice up your relationship? Has it been a while since you’ve been on a date? Is your marriage boring? Join us the day before Valentines day and for a Biblical lesson on Romance!
Are you serious?! thePorch is celebrating 10 years of seeing lives change! We’ll take some time to reflect on what God has done, listen to personal testimonies, and start to look forward to what God will do next!
Is your job boring? Are you tired of the same thing day after day after day? What if you could find meaning and purpose in your everyday work? Find out how you can worship God Monday through Friday in our new series “Made for Mondays!”
What if we lived more like buddy the elf? If it was like Christmas every day? If we just loved smiling? If our singing was contagious? If we treated everyone like they had potential? Bust out your copy of the class movie ELF as we learn from The Code of the Elves!
Let’s face it….there are some big words in the world of theology…especially when it comes to the order of salvation. This series will look at some of confusing words found in the Bible and help Translate them into a form that we can all understand & apply!
How are your relationships? In this awesome sermon series, Pastor Curtis & Erika will share what they have learned after 12+ years of highs & lows in their own marriage....and even share some personal struggles they have never talked about! #RelationshipGoals!
What are your top questions about the Bible, God, and religion? We do our best to answer YOUR questions!
Have you ever noticed how kid's Bible are full of action? That's because they only include the Best of the Bible! Join us as we relive some life lessons we learned at kids and need reminded of as adults!
Are you a leader? Like it or not, we ALL have influence…which makes us all leaders! Even if you don’t think of yourself as a leader…. everyone can lead better! And if you’re ready, you’ll have a chance to lead in your home, community, church, and workplace! It’s time to LEAD!
How do you remember your grandparents or parents? How did they influence you? That’s their legacy. But how will your kids, grandkids, and the next generation in your church remember YOU? In this special series for Mother’s and Father’s day, find out how you can start to leave a Lasting Legacy
Did you know Satan wants to tempt you? And that when you give into sin, temptation and addiction He actually wins! How would you like to have the tools you need to fight back and start to overcome….every time?! This series will give you the tools to overcome ANY sin, temptation, or addiction... it’s time to stand up to the enemy and say NOT today Satan!
Are you afraid to share Jesus? What if you could have help from some of the world’s best evangelists? This 6 week series is a Master Class on an amazing tactic from Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron called The Way of the Master! It will give you the confidence and skills to witness to anyone, at any time….just like Jesus did!
When you really dig into the Bible, there are some strange, odd, and just plain bizarre stories. We’ll discuss the stories you’ve probably never heard and what to do with them! Hold on tight cuz things are about to get weird!
We track and count so many things…..our steps, our food, our workouts, our sleep……the problem is: the things we are counting…..don’t’ make much of an impact in eternity. Find out the top 3 things that will make the most impact in your spiritual life in our new series Rings. counting what counts!
Ugly Christmas sweaters are a Christmas tradition. For some people, however, their ugly Christmas sweaters are matched only by their ugly attitudes. Reclaim this year’s Christmas season by having a little less ugly in your sweater!
Are you bored during the worship service? Do you feel like you just aren’t excited to follow Jesus anymore? Find out how you can passionately worship God with your head, heart, and hands!
Does God care if who you vote for? Does it matter what political party you are in? Is this even something we should discuss is church? Find out this and much more in our new series The Red and The Blue!
Are you or someone you know going through a divorce? Marriage, dating, & relationships are the hardest things you’ll ever do….so we are going back in time to give you the premarital counseling you “wish” you had but many of us missed!
What are your top questions about the Bible, God, and religion? We do our best to answer YOUR questions!
Have you ever noticed how kid's Bible are full of action? That's because they only include the Best of the Bible! Join us as we relive some life lessons we learned at kids.
: I might be biased, but my parents are better than yours!!! This Mother’s Day and Father’s Day we’ll celebrate how awesome our parents are and everything they do for us & find out how the Bible defines an awesome mom and dad!
Feeling anxiety from the Corona Virus? It's easy to be fearful and panic in the face of the unknown! We'll kick off a 5 week series to help you navigate this pandemic, with an Easter message that reminds us who is in control!
Pack your bags for a mission trip!....or maybe just stay right where you are! While mission trips are awesome, often the greatest ministry a person can have is in their own community. Maybe it’s time to make it your mission to take a Staycation!
You might be a Christian, but not everyone is! How do we navigate a culture that doesn’t follow God? When and how do we take a stand for our Christian beliefs? Without judging or looking down on others? How do we live in this world but not be of this world? Find out what happens when church and culture collide!
How can I have more money? How can I get out of debt? Should I give money to the church? The Bible is full of practical financial advice. Join us for a new series called "Dollars and Sense" as we discover what the Bible really says about money!
Is your life busy? This series will focus on slowing down your life and enjoying it…before it passes you by! Find out how you can make the time to Stop & smell the flowers!
Doesn’t it feel great to be home for Christmas! Why is that? It turns out, God has made us all long for home. In our new series, we’ll explore how you can come home to God and a church family!
Sometimes the truth is hard to hear! We might even find it offensive or painful. Together, we’ll tackle some “hard to swallow truths” that like it or not, come straight from the Bible!
It’s easy to see only certain ministries as important, but God has created everyone with gifts that have a critical role in the lives of God’s people and the local church. No matter how old we are, or what role we play, every part matters.
Are you happy? Have been trying to find more happiness? This series will some concepts from God that can help you be happy!
What are your top questions about the Bible, God, and religion? One of the topics even includes Aliens!!!
The upside down is a place in the TV show called Stranger things…’s almost the opposite of this world. As Christians, we think and operate almost the opposite of this world….to some it might seem UPSIDE DOWN
American culture is a culture of comfort. If something is uncomfortable, we want to avoid it at all costs. The Christian faith, though, is just that: uncomfortable. Being uncomfortable isn’t always a bad thing!
Be ready for some Yo Momma jokes and Bad Dad jokes as we celebrate Mother's and Father's day by looking at some of the Bibles most interesting laughs!
Parenting is hard! It can feel like we are missing the target sometimes, if we even know where it is. God give us 4 awesome tips to help you parent towards the target! (even if you don’t have kids)
An "Easter Egg" is a hidden feature in a video game or movie. We'll look at the "Easter Eggs" or prophecies about Jesus to uncover the plan God had all along.
There is a popular saying: “Share the gospel at all times, and when necessary, use words.” This series covers how to share the Gospel in practical ways by studying the methods of our greatest evangelism model, Jesus Christ. The world needs to know Jesus, and it is absolutely necessary for us to be able to share His story.
Who are you? This series focuses on the importance of believers’ identity in Christ. Self-examination and reflection on our desires will ultimately reveal what type of “selfie” we are revealing to ourselves and the world.
Start this year off right! This series will completely change your personal and spiritual life, by making sure that you have the right routines in place. When it comes to spiritual disciplines, don’t underestimate The Power of Routine!
Whether you like Christmas or not, this series will help you overcome negativity, a bad heart, and greed! God’s love can be the ultimate antidote to our Grinch-like attitudes.
God gives us so much! Doesn’t He deserve our first and best? This series will teach us how to honor God with our resources by giving our First Fruits!
What beliefs can we disagree on? What beliefs can we NOT disagree on? Find out what the core doctrines of the Christian faith are, during this 7 week series!
What happens after the fairytale wedding? After the honeymoon phase? Learn these 4 key elements you need in your marriage to make sure it stays amazing AFTER the rose!
YOU sent in your biggest questions about God, the Bible and religion! We picked the top questions and will do our best to answer them during this series!
Don't think you can be used by God? Some of the biggest heroes of the Bible are actually some of the biggest comebacks!
Do you know your neighbors names? Learn some practical ideas about how you can love them the way God has called us to!
A loving, honest, and authentic community is where real belonging, and therefore, real transformation happens. This four-week sermon series guide teaches the importance of living authentically with each other by sharing our stories: the true testimony of who we are and who God is for us.
If God exists...and He is good...and all powerful...why does He allow bad things to happen?
Why do we worship on Sunday's? Together we'll dig into this topic and ask: What is worship? How do we worship? And what if we don't feel like worshiping?
Do we have FREE WILL? Or does God completely control everything? Christians have debated Calvinism for years. During this series, we'll join the discussion!
Where do you want to be in the future? Where will our church be? Find out God’s simple plan to help push your life in the right direction!
Who was Santa? What did he stand for? This series will look "Behind the Beard" at some of the Godly characteristics of Santa.
We can invest our time, resources, and efforts in the things of earth or the Kingdom of Heaven (the cloud). Find out how you can make investments that last!
A lot of people "think" they are Christians....but aren't! This series will help you decide where you are in your faith and where you need to be.
We are surrounded by negativity! This series will help you find hope and HAPPINESS by Staying Positive!
Pastor Curtis will take 6 weeks to show you how he personally spread his faith!
YOU sent in your biggest questions about God, the Bible and religion! We picked the top questions and will do our best to answer them during this series!
Is your home life chaotic? Find out the roles that God has designed for each person in your family!
Is it wrong to "look but not touch?" Are yoga pants a sin? How far is too far before marriage? We'll answer all of these questions and more!
Coming Soon!
Would you like PROOOF that Jesus rose from the grave? Find out why the Resurrection is so important to our faith and why without it....everything falls apart!
Do you worship idols? An idol can be anything that you put before before the "things of God!" Find out what you really worship!
So many Bible verses are taken out of context! When this happens they lose their true meaning. Find out if you are taking any popular verses Straight Outta Context!
The beginning of a new year is often filled with dreams of personal transformation. We want to eliminate bad habits, exercise more, and set a pace to achieve our goals. Let's talk about the most important change you can make: your faith.
The last few days before Christmas are usually pretty hectic! This series will help you take the “12 Days of Christmas” to focus on what the holiday season is really all about—spending time with family, serving others, and, most importantly, worshipping Jesus.
Find out what life looks like through the spiritual sense of Jesus Christ and how he can drastically change your life!
Marriage can be hard! Join us as we learn lessons from The Song of Solomon about attraction, relationships, sex, and conflict!
There are some weird and crazy things that can be attributed to the Holy Spirit! This series will dig in to some of these topics and see what is biblical and what is not.
So many Bible verses are taken out of context! When this happens they lose their true meaning. Find out if you are taking any popular verses Straight Outta Context!
Should I move? Should get married or divorced? Should I buy a house? This series will help you make some of the biggest decisions of your life....and even small ones!
Do you "really" love going to church? Find out how getting involved with the vision of The Porch can change everything!
Want to learn to control your anger? These 4 concepts are key!
What if evangelism didn't have to be so hard? Pi2 is a formula for intentional help you reach people for Jesus all your you, in the context of relationships and in every day life!
Want to overcome your fear, worry, anxiety or depression? This series is for you!
YOU sent in your biggest questions about God, the Bible and religion! We picked the top questions and will do our best to answer them during this series!
What is a False Prophet? How can you spot one? Learn how to evaluate the pastors, teachers & speakers you listen to!
This hurts me more than it hurts you? Find out how discipline as children actually grounds us for life in the real world!
What happened to dinosaurs? Did God use the Big Bang? How old is the earth? This series is all about how science and the Bible fit together....or don't!
Would you like more TIME? Do you feel too busy? Are you always late? Together we will learn 4 biblical principles that will help you make the most of your time!
No one can grounded you like your mother can...right?! But seriously, mother's can help ground us spiritually for the rest of our lives!
Why did God create sex? How can we have sex in a way that honors God? Together we will learn the 3 biblical purposes of sex!
What is "freedom" in Christ? It's your choice to follow your conviction on issues that the Bible does not specifically address or is not 100% clear on! Find out how to make the right decisions!
A special message for Father's Day that is a reminder of all the responsibilities of a Dad!
What exactly does a housewife do? What are Mom's supposed to do according to the Bible? Sometimes we need a little reminder of just how rare a real mom is!
Would you like a marriage that works? Help finding "the one?" To be a better parent? Together we'll learn all three of these as we talk about the most important relationships in our lives!
No one wanted to listen to the minor prophets! You'll want to make sure that you are not IGNORING God on these 2 important topics as we read through the books of Jonah and Malachi!
Have you ever felt ALONE as a Christian? This series is about about how you can stand strong in your faith when you are the only Christian in your family, group of friends, at work.....when God calls you out!
Want to accomplish a certain task? A work of God? This series is all about how to make sure that you complete the task that you started.....even when things get tough!
The three thing that everyone be sexy, smart and happy! Together we'll see what King Solomon has to say about these things and uncover these keys to life!
Find out how God can use YOU to do accomplish amazing things, do his ministry and be a part of seeing lives change!
Have you ever felt like you really let God down or Failed Him? I think we all have! As we read through the book of Numbers, we will be able to learn from the mistakes and failures of the Israelites!
Hear the exciting story of how God uses Moses to set His people free from slavery and the lessons they learn on the way!
We all need more time! Matthew helps us decide what things should come before others....Priorities!
There are many religions that can look like the real deal, but they are just knock-offs of true Christianity. We'll talk about them and even form of "Christianity" that are easier to swallow, but are not REAL!
It didn't take long for the first church to start making mistakes...You might be surprised to see that we need the same corrections!
What is the church? Why do we do "church" the way we do? How can you join a church? We'll go all the way back to the first church in the book of Acts and learn all about what a church is.
The Ambassadors are a groups of people who have come together from all over the world! They each have unique abilities, gifts and talents that they bring to the team to overcome evil. They are assembling now and we call them the church!
It's not always easy to be a Christian. We can sometimes be treated differently. How do you keep your faith during persecution? How do you answer the hard questions about your faith?
What is a demon? What can a demon do? Can a demon take over a Christian's body? This series will take a look at the gospel of Mark and answers all these questions and more!
Is THE END of the world coming?????!!!!!! We'll learn from the book of Revelation what the end of the world will look like, a basic order of events and how Jesus will return! Listen and decide for yourself when THE END is coming.
It's not always easy believe everything you hear! In fact, we usually need to see something to believe it! The gospel of John was written so that we would be able to believe in Christ as our personal savior. Decide for yourself: Believe it or NOT???
At times it can be hard to tell who is lying and who you can trust. Especially when it comes to people claiming to be Christians! The books a 1, 2, and 3 John gives us at least 2 tests that we can use to determine is someone is a Christian or a liar!
Does everyone go heaven? Are all religions the same? This series is all about things that "seem" like they should get us to heaven. Even if you think you are sure, you should check it out....You could be fooled by an illusion just like tons of other people!!!
This 3-week series will show us the importance of being a "boulevard" or road that connects our friends to Christ.
A good parent will always put their kids before themselves! This series celebrates Mother's Day & Father's Day as we recognize and remember the sacrifices our parents have made for us.
Jesus had a plan to save us....BUT the enemy knew the plan! So he wanted to stop Jesus. Will Jesus be unstoppable?!
This 3-week series discusses what it means to live generously, wrestling with issues like poverty, money, and service.
What is the Perfect Gift? Jesus was born perfect, lived perfect and was our perfect sacrifice! Have you accepted the perfect gift?
What is prayer? Why doesn't God answer prayer? How can I pray?
Does the church just want your money? What is the purpose of the tithe, offerings, and being generous?
Why is Easter such a big deal? Where you be if Jesus die and rise again? Simply put.....Dead!
Are you ready to get Ripped spiritually? We will learn some of the most important spiritual disciplines that you are going to need to get into shape and stay in shape spiritually (and some physical tips)!
God doesn't want us to just "go" to church...He wants us to "be" the church! Church is not a spectator sport! In this series, we will look at the church in Acts and compare it to today's church.
In this series, Pastor Curtis and his wife Erika will share the 3 biblical principals that have helped them survive financially on $500 a week and at times even less!
Just imagine what a difference a church could make if we stopped focusing on having our needs met and starting focusing on meeting the needs of our church and community!
Should Christian's celebrate Christmas? Together we will look at the top 2 things that seem to distract people from the real meaning of "Christ" -mas! Will you join the Revolution?!
Ever said something you wish you could take back? You would be surprised how much damage our little "angry words" can do! Find out the power of your words in this series.
YOU sent in your biggest questions about God, the Bible and religion! We picked the top questions and will do our best to answer them during this series!
What is Baptism? Does it save? Who is it for? Why do it? This series will clear up some of the confusion about Baptism!
What is the purpose of life? Why are we here? Why are YOU alive? We'll study the book called "The Purpose Driven Life" and see that God has 5 purposes that will give your life meaning!
What's your favorite comeback? Whatever it doesn't compare to the comeback of Jesus. Learn why the comeback of Jesus is the most EPIC of all time!
Want to learn how to share your faith? This is an evangelism training course for anyone! NOTE: DVD messages will not be available online. You will see a summary and may find that week's audio, for one week only, through our dropbox
YOU will have to answer directly to God some day! Find out some of the things that God will hold you personally responsible for......before it's too late!
Does God want to judge people? Of course not! But he will if we chose to reject him. Learn about God's ultimate plan for God to rescue us from our own sin!
What's the best part of being King? What ever you say goes! The problem is that having that attitude didn't usually work so well for the Kings of Israel. We'll look at some of these times and learn from their mistakes!
It sure seems like we can get away with sin.....God doesn't judge us? Life goes on! So is it true? Is it possible to get away with sinning against God?!!!!!
God give his people a choice....Obey and have blessing....Disobey and have curses? What will they choose? What choices will you choose in your walk with God? Let's make a deal!
What is worship? What are biblical forms of worship? Together we learn from Leviticus and Psalms that we are worship something in our lives. What will you decide to worship?
A long time ago, when our galaxy was far, far from existing..........Where did the world come from? This series is all about beginnings: of the world, mankind, sin and God's plan to restore our relationship with him.
Not everyone that believes in Jesus will be saved! It is possible to have a faith that is dead.....Is yours?
When will Jesus come back? Who will if effect? What will it be like? What will happen to believers who have already died? The first message will focus on the return of Jesus for believers and the second for non-believers!
Temptation is something that we ALL deal with, and when we give in nothing good comes from it! What ever temptation or sin you struggle with, if you will apply these 4 steps, God promises you can start to Overcome!
Do we all go to heaven? Is Hell real? If so what does it look like and how does someone end up there? What about people who don't believe in Hell? This series will answer these question and more from the book of Luke!
Why do we have the Bible? What is the purpose of all these commandments or "laws?" Is it even possible to obey all of these laws? How can we get right with God? We'll find out together in Romans!
Some times it seems like there is a catch to following you have to give something up! Check out a message from Rock the Block in Louisburg, KS!
Running the church can be hard! Paul writes Timothy with advice on how to lead the church and gives him some practical advice. Who does what? Who is in charge? Who is supposed to run things? We'll learn "how to" organize a church from 1, 2 Timothy, Titus and Philemon.
What is a church? What does a church do? What is "The Porch?" This series will answer all those question and also let you understand why we exist, our goal and how we will achieve it. Most importantly, it can tell you how YOU can get involved!