GREETERSWelcome guests with a smile and hand out
bulletins at the door. |
USHERSHelp guests find seats, take up our tithes and offering and say goodbye as they leave.
NEXT STEPS CENTERWelcome guests, answer their questions, gather Connection Cards, and hand out t-shirts.
SOUND AND LIGHTSRun the soundboard and lights during service.
WORSHIP TEAMUse your musical abilities to serve during worship.
PROPRESENTERRun powerpoint during the worship set.
Record the service and run the main lights.
CHILDREN'S LEADERHelp teach the kiddos Sunday mornings.
theporchZONEHang out with kids in theporchZONE while their
parents serve. theporchYouthHelp lead groups for youth during the week.
TEAM KIDHelp lead groups for kids during the week.
Help watch the kiddos on Sunday mornings.
GROWTH GROUP LEADERLead or co-lead a growth group.
porch.t.v.Edit and upload the sermon to our YouTube page.
PreteenPORCHHelp lead groups for preteenPorch during the week.
VIDEO PRODUCTIONHelp make videos of life change.