This is a page has all of our previous messages/sermons and some testimonies of seeing lives change! Also, check out other shorter videos at
Just imagine what a difference a church could make if we stopped focusing on having our needs met and starting focusing on meeting the needs of our church and community?
Are you ready to get Ripped spiriutally? We will learn some of the most important spiritual disciplines that you are going to need to get into shape and stay in shape spiritually (and some physical tips)!
Should Christian's celebrate Christmas? Together we will look at the top 2 things that seem to distract people from the real meaning of "Christ" -mas! Will you join the Revolution?!
God dosen't want us to just "go" to church...He wants us to "be" the church! Church is not a spectator sport! In this series, we will look at the church in Acts and compare it to today's church.
Ever said something you wish you could take back? You would be suprised how much damage our little "angry words" can do! Find out the power of your words in this series.
In this series, Pastor Curts and his wife Erika will share the 3 biblical principals that have helped them survive financially on $500 a week and at times even less!
YOU sent in your biggest questions about God, the Bible and religion! We picked the top questions and will do our best to answer them during this series!
What is "freedom" in Christ? It's your choice to follow your conviction on issues that the Bible does not specifically address or is not 100% clear on! Find out how to make the right decisions!
What is the purpose of life? Why are we here? Why are YOU alive? We'll study the book called "The Purpose Driven Life" and see that God has 5 purposes that will give your life meaning!
What exactly does a housewife do? What are Mom's supposed to do according to the Bible? Sometimes we need a little reminder of just how rare a real mom is!
What's your favorite comeback? Whatever it doesn't compare to the comeback of Jesus. Learn why the comeback of Jesus is the most EPIC of all time!
Would you like a marriage that works? Help finding "the one?" To be a better parent? Together we'll learn all three of these as we talk about the most important relationships in our lives!
Want to learn how to share your faith? This is an evangelism training course for anyone! NOTE: DVD messages will not be available online. You will see a summary and may find that week's audio, for one week only, through our dropbox
No one wanted to listen to the minor prophets! You'll want to make sure that you are not IGNORING God on these 2 important topics as we read through the books of Jonah and Malachi!
YOU will have to answer directly to God some day! Find out some of the things that God will hold you personally responsible for......before it's too late!