This is a page has all of our previous messages/sermons and some testimonies of seeing lives change! Also, check out other shorter videos at
When will Jesus come back? Who will if effect? What will it be like? What will happen to believers who have already died? The first message will focus on the return of Jesus for believers and the second for non-believers!
What is the church? Why do we do "church" the way we do? How can you join a church? We'll go all the way back to the first church in the book of Acts and learn all about what a church is.
Temptation is something that we ALL deal with, and when we give in nothing good comes from it! What ever temptation or sin you struggle with, if you will apply these 4 steps, God promises you can start to Overcome!
What is the church? Why do we do "church" the way we do? How can you join a church? We'll go all the way back to the first church in the book of Acts and learn all about what a church is.
Do we all go to heaven? Is Hell real? If so what does it look like and how does someone end up there? What about people who don't believe in Hell? This series will answer these question and more from the book of Luke!
The Ambassadors are a groups of people who have come together from all over the world! They each have unique abilities, gifts and talents that they bring to the team to overcome evil. They are assembling now and we call them the church!
Why do we have the Bible? What is the purpose of all these commandments or "laws?" Is it even possible to obey all of these laws? How can we get right with God? We'll find out together in Romans!
It's not always easy to be a Christian. We can sometimes be treated differently. How do you keep your faith during persecution? How do you answer the hard questions about your faith?
Some times it seems like there is a catch to following you have to give something up! Check out a message from Rock the Block in Louisburg, KS!
What is a demon? What can a demon do? Can a demon take over a Christian's body? This series will take a look at the gospel of Mark and answers all these questions and more!
Running the church can be hard! Paul writes Timothy with advice on how to lead the church and gives him some practical advice. Who does what? Who is in charge? Who is supoosed to run things? We'll learn "how to" organize a church from 1, 2 Timothy, Titus and Philemon.
Is THE END of the world coming?????!!!!!! We'll learn from the book of Revelation what the end of the world will look like, a basic order of events and how Jesus will return! Listen and decide for yourself when THE END is coming.
At times it can be hard to tell who is lying and who you can trust. Especially when it comes to people claiming to be Christians! The books a 1, 2, and 3 John gives us at least 2 tests that we can use to determine is someone is a Christian or a liar!
It's not always easy believe everything you hear! In fact, we usually need to see something to believe it! The gospel of John was written so that we would be able to believe in Christ as our personal savior. Decide for yourself: Believe it or NOT???
What is a church? What does a church do? What is "The Porch?" This series will answer all those question and also let you understand why we exist, our goal and how we will acheive it. Most importantly, it can tell you how YOU can get involved!
Does everyone go heaven? Are all relegions the same? This series is all about things that "seem" like they should get us to heaven. Even if you think you are sure, you should check it out....You could be fooled by an illusion just like tons of other people!!!